Custom Links in HTML (misc)

Add Code snipped to you'r HTML project, used for user top input there own custom links to the website that they desire, uses local storage to save the links to current device only


Rainbow 6 operator selector

Have a random R6 operator selected Attacker and Defender.


Pc-Clicker NEW!

Pc-Clicker NEW, remastered version of Pc-Clicker.
A cookie clicker inspired game.
Pc-Clicker NEW is a web based app but is also able to be downloaded as an app for Windows and linux as a portable for both systems but the setup is only for windows.


Rhys' Lair

Rhys' Lair is a place I used to store all of my projects before moving to Rhys' Vault.
Rhys' Lair is also my first ever HTML project.



Pc-Clicker is a Cookie Clicker inspired game made for the web
Includes a shop, saving and loading, reset feature to restart your game.
